• Sweet and savory seasonal brunch ideas.

  • Fresh New England desserts for all seasons.

  • Cozy, cold-weather desserts made with seasonal winter ingredients.

  • Hilarious coded puzzles featuring the funniest comics on Twitter.

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April 28, 2016


I will miss you and your blog!

Ah, we had some good times! Wonder whatever happened to "Disinterested Observer"? He seemed to be a pretty sharp guy.

Where'd my comment go?
Hey (again), FoF. best wishes from one of your earliest readers.

We'll miss you!

This is so sad.... I absolutely love your blog, you are hilarious and always made me roar with laughter.... The way you talk about your family, husband, 11 yr old etc, the piano episode and on and on.... Thanks for the restaurant tips.... Handy on my way to and from family in Brookline. Hope you keep the contact list in case you have some future news and writings.
Will miss you.

Tammy,I understand your reasons for discontinuing your blog and respect them. I'm a little sad, though, since I only recently discovered your website and the Best Posole Recipe Ever. Best wishes in your future endeavors.

In late 2006 I donated to a charity raffle, my heart set on the custom commissioned artwork item from a Spanish artist/food blogger. I instead won what would (several years) later end up being a fantastic meal for 6 in a local chef’s newly opened restaurant and, because I of course had to track down the person who *did* win the artwork, a lovely new food+ blog to follow. I’m calling it a win all around. I will truly miss the updates from Donroeville.

I found your blog back when I was exploring CSA shares in Western MA and looking for stuff on eating local. Loved your essays on the Eat Local Challenges and have been reading ever since. Sorry to see the blog go, but completely understand.

Oh Tammy, I will miss your blog (sporadic or not). I came across your blog I don't know how, years ago, during your tough times, and I stayed, and I enjoyed your writing so much. I still laugh in my head at 'tortilla soup for optimal marital health'! And I absolutely loved your Friday Family CookBook - in fact I still hope one day you will get it published.

All the best for the next ten years, I hope you keep writing joyfully elsewhere. Don't can this blog for a while, let me print off your recipes first :-)



I am always sad when one of the blogs I really likes decides to retire. I want to say thanks for all the inspiration - I am local and loved your sources! Best wishes in future endeavors- I really hope those are YOUR goats! (I want goats!)

Sending all best wishes to you, Tammy! I've always wanted to tell you this: Wintersweet sits on my cookbook shelf between Julia Child and Ina Garten. And just once removed from Lidia Bastianich to the left and Marcella Hazan to the right. Always in the best of company! My favorite section of the shelf.

With love, from a fellow Walthamite. I'll miss you here, but maybe our paths will one day cross!


I've been reading for probably eight or nine years, right around the time I graduated from college and started cooking for myself. Thanks. For the great recipes, the hilarious writing and the wonderful entertainment. I will miss your blog!

So sad!
This is one of my go-to blogs for inspiration to keep me thinking of cooking as fun, and not just a daily drudgery. Thank you so much for all of the great writing and recipes- best wishes for all that's next.

Thanks and good luck! I'll miss you but I'll always have Wintersweet!

Sniff. I'll miss your blogs Tammy. I know we've said it before, but let's try to find the time to get together soon. ~G

Thank you for all the stories and recipes over the years. Your cookbook is my go-to for desserts, and I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Best wishes for a marvelous post-blog adventure!

Good luck in your next moves, Tammy! I've always loved reading this blog (mostly since it connected me to your fun family!) Moving on is always a challenge, but it's more often a move that brings new great things! See you this summer!

Oh my gosh! I'm really surprised! I hear you though. While I haven't officially "retired" mine, if I post 2-3 times a YEAR, I'm lucky! I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors and continued success with your writing! You are definitely one of my all-time top foodbflogger heroes. :) Stay in touch on FB and I wish you the best.

Oh my goodness, what the heck am I going to do? I checked your blog every night before bed in anticipation of some insiteful comment or some clever new twist on an old favorite or an introduction to a local spot I'd never encountered yet! You're writing is so normal and unpretentious!! I discovered your blog when searching for Hen in the Woods mushrooms. I happy that you've have been so successful which is great for all of us, you're not going away, you're just sharing all that creative energy on another path. Thank you for inspiring me in the kitchen, the garden and in the market. I'll miss you.

Thank you for ten delightful and delicious years. I'll miss reading your posts. Best of luck on your next projects.

Aw, I'll miss you. You taught me how to cook asparagus! I'll be forever grateful. Wishing you all the best. xox

You don't know me, but I feel like I know you. Thanks for your blog and your time and your openness. We've been reading (and laughing) for years and we'll miss your voice in the future


good luck on your new beginning, but selfishly I am so sad! I very recently discovered your blog and have been cooking my way through your recipes! I've seriously made about 20 of your dishes in the past 3 weeks, and none have been a disappointment!!! I learned about you when I tasted "your" carrot cake made by a colleague, and it's been love at first bite. I went online and ordered your cookbook immediately after eating my second slice of cake! I will miss you!!!!

I've read regularly at times and not regularly at other times. I just ordered your cryptograms book so thought I'd check in and I see this post. I'm so glad I did while comments are still open. I will miss your stories and will hurry to catch up on some that I missed. I'm thankful you've written for so long, and I'm also a little sad to see it end. Good luck in all you do!!!

Wow, thanks so much, you guys. I admit to being in a period of mourning, so I really appreciate the kind words. It's been a good run. Thanks for coming along for the ride and brightening up my comments section!

Thank you for the many years of funny, touching, and edible stories. OK. Not edible, but some of the recipes certainly lead to some lovely dishes.
Yours was the first blog, ever, that I read. The first one that I followed. The first one I commented on. I loved reading, especially, about your family, present and past.
I'll miss you and your dad and Disinterested Observer :)

This is sad news... I will really miss reading your very funny and also informative posts. I've been reading since back in the farmer-stalking and bad-surgery days... loved the Family Friday cookbook posts about your awesome relatives and your mason-jar disputes. Canadian butter tarts and crème egg contests. My kids and I make your maple-syrup candy every time it snows (last year--that was way too often, sorry), love those Bollywood beets, and your Spanish hiccup cure is the only one that has ever worked for me. Thanks for everything, and yeah, let me print your recipe box before you close it down!!

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