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April 11, 2013


Fucking forty. Bitch.

It could be worse -- you could be the FIRST of your compadres to hit the big Four-Oh-Why-Don't-I-Just-Kill-Myself-Now. That was last September for me. Sigh.

You'll know you're in full-on crisis mode when Smells Like Teen Spirit comes on the radio or you catch a rerun of China Beach on TV Land and you start to sob.

Oh, you young pup! I didn't think I even knew anyone who wasn't forty already. So far, I've been enjoying it. I keep telling myself, "not bad for forty!" Doesn't have the same ring when you are 32. Regardless, feel free to crisis-on and if I come across your coat, I'm totally keeping it.

"Vacations take on an entirely new and unwelcome meaning." HA! But hey, I've been liking my 40s - the pressure to be cute, skinny and fashionable has melted away somewhat.

Carole's Chatter is collecting links using parsnip and/or pumpkin today. This is a nice one. I do hope you pop over and link in. This is the link . Cheers

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