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March 04, 2013


Don't suppose there's any left for me?

As a matter of fact, there is some left (not a lot, but some)! Perhaps for your birthday dinner?

This sounds fabulous! YUM!

I got all excited when I read the title of your post because I'm allergic to cow's milk and can only eat products made from sheep/goat's milk. "At last," I thought, "an ice cream I can eat!!" Darn. Any way to make this with all goat's milk??

Colleen: I don't see why not. If you give it a try, do report back!

Cheryl: It is!

Yes Colleen, there is a way to make with all goats milk. I had it last summer at a friends house. Had a very distinct flavor that I was not wild about. I will call and get the recipe and post back.

Thanks, Bob. I look forward to seeing the recipe. Perhaps if I can get some really, really fresh goat's milk...

Yum Yum Yum! Goat cheese with ice cream sounds heavenly!! I recently just started my own food blog and always love checking out other food blogs for inspiration. Great blog!

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