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September 08, 2011


okay, that thing about the beets overnight on the grill? that sounds like genius!

I just made some incredible country ribs - Mark Bittman's recent recipe from NYTimes for Okra Stew. I renamed it Pork and Okra Stew because it is so beautifully pork-y. It includes bacon too so there's a way to cheat and double up the pork-ness!

These are better than any pork chops I have ever had. So delicious. I always eat too much because I cannot control myself.

seriously tammy you need to write a meat cookbook! your pictures and recipes make me drool -- and I don't even eat meat!!

That looks delicious. I've been wanting ways to make those ribs without resorting to Korean or BBQ and these fit the bill!

Thanks Tammy - just in time - I made these tonight. Delicious!

Mike made this tonight, except we didn't have fennel so he used celery seed. 4/5 kids ate heartily, which is pretty good for my crowd! Well, one put ketchup on it, but she puts ketchup on just about anything.

Good recipe!!

Rebecca: Four out of five kids is definitely good! And, hey, if ketchup helps things go down, then so be it!!

Juliet: So glad you guys liked them!

jo: Oooo, Korean. Is that on your blog?

sarah: Now that's the best compliment ever!

Husband: Thanks, Hubby!

Erin: Wow, that does sound good. And funny you bring up okra because that's my next post!

magpie: The beets get so sweet and caramelized! I'm not sure the USDA would approve of my overnight beet technique, but I've never had a problem. You can always take them out before you go to bed (if you remember!).

Yes ma'am!

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