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June 28, 2011


Oh god, so many greens... Greens and chickpeas sound like a winning combination for tomorrow's lunch!

I love this combo -- it was one of my favorite dishes when I was in Spain last fall... I bet garlic scapes and jamon would be great in there too :)

This looks like a fantastic use for the chard in my fridge. Now I'm wanting to try to make my own cured anchovies, but I should probably just go to Russo's...

This reminds me of the Spanish chickpea and spinach dish, but that one is filled with smoked paprika! I love the healthy meal! :)

I made this tonight with the Swiss chard from our CSA and some chickpeas that I cooked in the slow cooker to avoid the horrid heat of boiling them forever. I borrowed a little trick I picked up in the Czech Republic and made toast, rubbed it with garlic, and served the sauce on top with Parmesan. So good!

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