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August 17, 2007


I love your grandfather's fat wide tie, and the fact that your dad is wearing shorts and a cowboy hat -- there is something very 50's-ish to the outfit. Most of all, I love that it is clearly summer, but your great-grandmother is wearing a hot heavy wool black head-to-toe coat! And she has her purse nearby. It's such a stereotypical photo, it's endearing.

p.s. Bonus points for the real live white picket fence!

I think Freddie gets a bum rap. I've always known him as "focused and determined". And except for that Bobby Vee phase, a good judge of music.
Icebox cake makes me think of black and white TV and Soupy Sales. Don't ask me why.

Don't forget Pinkie Lee Joey. We have a weatherman out of Sioux City (Iowa) who looks just like Soupy Sales! And - Dad - what? No Daniel Boone Coonskin hat?!

Sally - I actually had both the Davy Crockett coonskin cap as well as "Ol' Betsy" but I could only bring so many things with me when I went out visiting.

Joey - So what was wrong with Bobby Vee? He's still performing today. How many old rockers can you say that about?

Dad: Bobby who?

Sally: I don't know what you people are talking about.

Joey: Was Soupy Sales the Campbell's Soup mascot?

Catherine: I know! And look at those great two-family (or was it three?) houses.

Dad: I know he still tours and ( CAUTION; sarcasm ahead ) he sounds as good as he did then.

Tammy: No. The Campbells' Soup mascot was Andy Warhol.

Sally: Pinky was more orange cremesicle than icebox cake, don't you think ?

Andy Warhol! Too funny Joey!! And orange cremesicle - god - I'm dying here! DH is going to have me committed for sure.

Hi, can I have permission to use this recipe in a presentation?

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