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March 30, 2007


I stumbled on your blog and love it. Love it. Love it. Mostly, I love the photos and stories that go along with the recipes. I'm not a chef and I don't even like white sauce, but I'm all about stories and old photos. My hat's off (and fork's up) to you.

I am SO linking to you on a post I'm putting together for And I will definitely be back here. Cheers!

I love vintage photos. I like clams too. Sometimes, canned clams remind me a little bit of pencil erasers.

Tammy, I just tagged you for a wine meme, do it if you feel like it!

Ilva: That depends on how much wine I get to drink. The more, the better.

Mist1: Little known fact, canned clams erase calories. More room for dessert.

Grrrlfriend: Welcome. Loved your pedicure post (my hobbit feet should be so lucky). Thanks for the mention on, which explains the unexpected increase in my numbers!

I could eat linguine & clam sauce 5 nights a week. True story.

My family's recipe is a lil different but generally the same.. DELICIOUS. With a Capital DE and a lil licious. :D

I have loved your wedding photos, thanks for sharing them. It makes me want to dig out some old photos my self!

Sandi, by all means. The more, the merrier.

Lisa, my dad says he hates clams. Kind of like how he hates anchovies. So I made this and he totally scarfed it. Did I mention he's crazy?

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